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How Often Should You Clean Your Bedroom?

Sleep Number

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Tips for keeping a tidy sleeping space.


Your popular sleep questions, answered. In this series, we'll tackle those questions you've always wondered about but never really known the answers to. Today's topic: How often should you clean your bedroom?


When you clean your house, it's most likely the high-traffic areas that get tackled first, like the kitchen and bathroom. Bedrooms often go overlooked.


However, we spend a ton of time in bed – up to one-third of your life. So, it's a smart move to give it some extra care.


The Basics

Dust is your biggest enemy. Did you know that up to 80% of the dust in your bedroom either was or still is alive, and is a major source of allergens? Dust consists of pollen, pet dander, skin, fungi, bacteria, dust mites, fabric fibers and other unwanted irritants.


Cleaning your space regularly helps to cut down on dust and other allergens in the air and on surfaces. Good Housekeeping recommends giving your carpet a good vacuum and dusting furniture once a week, and wiping down woodwork monthly. The less dust in the room, the less of a chance that your lungs will get irritated, which can disrupt sleep for those prone to allergens.


The Extras

While your sheets and pillows are on the front line for all the dead skin cells that slough from your body while you sleep, your mattress doesn't stay pristine forever. It's a good idea to vacuum it every couple of months — a handy rule of thumb is as the seasons change. Essentially, vacuum the mattress and use a pet vac and disinfecting spray, according to Good Housekeeping.


It's The Little Things

The easiest way to keep your room tidy is to make your bed every day.


Maybe this feels unnecessary when you're just going to hop back into it, but straightening up can have some great benefits—when your bed looks good, it feels good.


Getting into the habit of making your bed can lead to a healthier lifestyle as well. "The Power of Habit" author Charles Duhigg writes, “Making your bed every morning is correlated with better productivity, a greater sense of well-being, and stronger skills at sticking with a budget." All that for a one- or two-minute job.


Sleep Number data shows confirms people who make their bed are better sleepers too. 73% of Sleep Number® SleepIQ® sleepers make their bed every day. Compared to those who don't make their bed, this group wakes up 20 minutes earlier but are MORE restful and end up getting four more minutes of restful sleep.** Four minutes multiplied by all the nights could give you much more quality shuteye every year.


Ultimately, you should aim to clean your room weekly. The task can be made heaps easier if you make a point of decluttering consistently. The American Cleaning Institute suggests a quick pick-up before bed—just a couple of things off the floor before tucking in.


Having a clean room can help you feel less stressed, drift off to sleep faster, and feel well rested come morning.


Like diet and exercise, quality sleep is essential for optimal wellbeing and performance. Because everyone's sleep needs are different, Sleep Number® smart beds sense your movements and automatically adjust firmness, comfort and support to keep you both sleeping comfortably. Find your Sleep Number® setting for your best possible night's sleep.


**Based on SleepIQ® data from 1/1/19 to 1/31/19 and self-reported survey data (from a Sleep Number study) among SleepIQ® sleepers.

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